Saturday, January 06, 2007

greetings to old friends

suddenly found some old friends appearing on the comments section of this blog. glad to hear from you guys and thanks for all the encouraging words. life is all of a sudden very different and i am still reeling from all the new experiences. some are sweet but they are the exceptions. change is always painful and i am in the thick of it right now. still a long way to go but i might just hang in there. i expected it when i made the move down but no amount of mental preparation can overcome the steep learning curve. i may slide down this curve occasionally but i will just have to pick myself up and start the uphill climb again. this is my lot in life and these are the choices i have made.


Cytusm said...

So, finally found your blog through Penang Bloggers. Wish you happy working in a new place.

Anonymous said...

That's what friends are for. If we can't be there, the least we could offer are some encouraging words. You know we will always be here for you. So go forth and conquer the world. (If not the world, then maybe KL would suffice. :P)

MC said...

Hie There,

You have a very nice and interesting blog. By the way, can we exchange links?

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