Sunday, January 14, 2007


I have only seen and felt snow once in my entire life. This was in India at the foothills of the Himalayas more than 10 years ago. I still remember some of my fellow travelers scooping the stuff up and putting them into cardboard canisters. Later in the bus a snow ball fight broke out.

Being from a tropical country, snow is foreign and a mystery. I am told that if you look at it under a microscope the crystals have a perfectly symmetrical design and no two snowflake are the same. The creativity of nature is limitless.

I can only imagine what life would be covered in snow. Would my legs sink when i walk on it? How cold would it be if i walk barefoot? Will i be able to get it off my hair? What will it taste of on my tongue? What would it feel like to be surrounded by the stuff?

Lori Twiggs have tried to answer my questions through his oil paintings. Scattered amongst his galleries of oil paintings are numerous ones of desolate snowscapes. One of my favorites can be found at this link. It is devoid of human presence and is more powerful because of it. The silence is palpable, accentuated by the predominantly white backdrop. a breathtaking depiction of beautiful isolation.

For more head over to Oil Paintings by Lori Twiggs


Anonymous said...

sponsored? for real?

anyway, your post reminds me of chet raymo's little riff on snow and ice crystals.

hellfried said...

yes i know i am a whore! anyways just wanted to try this payperpost thing just for a laugh. every other blogger is going on about it. thanks for the link.

does advertising take something away from a blog?

Anonymous said...

I see you have found a new of making money.

Anonymous said...

"does advertising take something away from a blog?"

Only if you let it, I suppose. I have my google ads there, but it's really cos sometimes I'm fascinated by how it works. Sometimes it picks up funny words and shows some weird ads. Never made any money out of it... I don't know, never checked my account :-p

How does this payperpost work? It's the first time I seen it.

hellfried said...

just point your browser at register with them and then register your blog. wait for about a week to get approved then go to 'open oppurtunities' and select the ads that you think you can write about. post it on your blog and wait again for it to be approved. then i guess you just wait for the money. i have linked my paypal account to it. so the money goes there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cool system. I'll try it out. (whore too) :P

Lori Twiggs said...

I dont know anything about "payperpost" but I really appreciated your comments about my artwork! Your comment
"It is devoid of human presence and is more powerful because of it. The silence is palpable, accentuated by the predominantly white backdrop. a breathtaking depiction of beautiful isolation" is one of the nicest, most powerful comments I've heard. Thank you!

hellfried said...

thanks for the compliments lori!